Critique of Anthropocentric Disposition in Lasse Hallstrom’s Hachiko

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Department of English
This paper examines the anthropocentric attitude on the movie Hachiko by Less Hells tromandestablishes the possibility of ethical relationship with non-human beings. This movie critiques the anthropocentric view of a human beings which put human beings at the centre of this eco-system. Similarly this movie put forward the idea of equality of all living beings like that of a dog, human being and all other living being in this planet. This paper analyzes the anthropocentric disposition in the movie. It has used ecocritical perspective of Peter Singer and Val Plum wood.Their work concerns with non-human being's existence in nature.The issue of hierarchy among natural entities where humans’ behavior towards animal seems mixed has been depicted in a proper way from the technique of visual effects and cinematography. In present world human beings take themselves as superior and neglecting the existence of othernon-human living species of nature. So, this research emphasizes the ecological approach towards living beings. Human should give equal priority towards all living beings.The movie advocates for bio-centric world. Keywords: Anthropocentrism, eco-criticism, environmental ethics, bio-diversity and cinematography