Risk Factors of HIV and AIDs among Hotel workers at Dhankuta Municipality

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Department of Health Education
This thesis entitled “Risk factors of HIV and AIDS among hotel workers at DhankutaMunicipality.” Conducted on the basis of primary data. The main objective of thestudy was to identify the knowledge and sexual behavior, to examine the socio-economic cultural and education situation and to analyze the HIV and AIDSawareness capacity. In the research area, all the 330 married andunmarried males and females wereselected usingcensus method. There was an interview schedule to be asked to therespondents for collecting data. The data were collection through field survey by theresearcher himself. Major findings and conclusion werebased on the demographic and socio-economiccharacteristic of the respondents. Among the total population of 330 majorrespondents are Lower caste, limbu, rai, magar, tamang who occupies 33, 23, 14, 11percents respectively. Besides it, 50 percent of respondents belongs to age group 16-25and 38 percent of the respondents were literal. Most of the respondents belongfrom farmer family. It was found that friends arethe most important source of information about HIV andAIDS. About 38 percent of respondents are involved in sexual activities withcondoms. Similarly 80 percent have knowledge that HIV can transmitted by sexualintercoursewith infected person. It was also found that only 1 percent of the all the respondents were up tointermediated and 23 percent of the respondents were illiterate. Most of the allrespondents were lower cast that was 38 percent from the all. And also most ofallwere from hindu. 94 percent of the respondents were belongs from farmer family. Collected data werechecked and tabulated and percentage and ratio were calculated.Tables chart wereformulated to represent the information more effectively. Content analysis is another major way to analyze and represent the data interpretation