Learning Strategies of English Language Teachers for Professional Development

Joshi, Kumari Damayanti
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Department of English Education
The present study entitled, “Learning strategies of English Language Teachers for Professional Development” aims to identify the learning strategies of English language teachers and the benefits they got from those strategies for their better professional development. The research study is mainly based on the primary sources of data which was collected from the forty- five English language teachers teaching in different colleges of Kathmandu valley. The colleges were selected by using non-random purposive sampling procedure. The data obtained from the respondents with the help of the questionnaire have been analyzed and interpreted using simple statistical tools. The study shows that teachers’ own teaching experience, self- monitoring, workshops, conferences, seminars, learning from colleagues’ peer observation and team teaching are the most common learning strategies that have been practiced by the English language teachers and the strategies like mentoring, refresher courses, teaching portfolios, resource and teacher activity centers, reflective logs and analysis of critical incidents are less common learning strategies among the English language teachers teaching in different colleges of Kathmandu valley. The study is divided into four chapters and other sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with general background, importance of English language and English language teaching in Nepal, learning strategies, concept of professional development, professional development of English language teachers, need of professional development for teacher, learning strategies of English language teachers for professional development, review of related literature, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology used in the study i.e. the sources of data, population of study, sampling procedure, tools, process of data collection and limitations of the study. The third chapter which is the main part of the study consists of the analysis and interpretation of the data. The fourth chapter deals with the major finding and recommendations made on the basis of the analysis and interpretation of the data