Use of communicative approach to English language teaching in community schools

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Department of English Education
This research study entitled Use of Communicative Approach to English Language Teaching in Community Schools were conducted to explore the implementation of CLT in Community Schools in Nepal. I used ethnography research design under qualitative approach to carry out this research work. The population of the research included all the lower secondary level English teachers were selected as the sample for the study by using non- random purposive sampling. I conducted unstructured interview to elicit the required data. Moreover, the data were analyzed by using thematic and descriptive approach. I found that the school environment played significant role for the implementation of communicative language teaching inside the classroom. In community schools there were good availability of physical facilities like suitable desks and benches, computer lab, library room, and play ground. The knowledge of teachers on communicative language teaching was found good. All teachers were found to be familiar about the theory, definition, principle and roles of learners and teachers in CLT. The School administration played great role for the proper implementation of CLT in class. It could further help to implement CLT by providing teaching materials, encouraging students and teachers to speak English. The present study consists of five chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction of the study which consists of background of the study, statements of the problem ,objective of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study, and operational definitions of the key terms. Similarly, second chapter is about the review of theoretical as well as empirical literature and its implication for the study. Moreover, it also includes the conceptual framework. Likewise, third chapter deals with the methods and procedures of the study which covers design and methods of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, research tools, source of data, data collection procedures, data analysis procedures, and ethical considerations. In the same way, the fourth chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the data. Finally, the fifth chapter incorporates the findings, conclusion and recommendation based on the study.