Student’s Achievement in Mathematics from Community Based Schools and Public Based Schools at Lower Secondary Level in Kaski District.

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Faculty of Education
The prime concern of this study is to find out the Mathematics achievement of lower secondary level students from community based schools and public schools. It is also aimed at identifying teachers and students' attitude towards the management system of community based Schools and Public based Schools. This report has been organized into five chapters. First chapter deals with the background of the study, statements of the problems, objectives, significance and hypothesis. The second chapter deals with review of related literature.Third chapter deals with population,sample ,instruments,procedure of data collection and statistical tools. Fourth chapter contains the results and interpretation of the study. Fifth chapter envisages summary, finding and recommendations. The population of the study consisted 4 community based schools and 8 public based schools, 12 selected mathematics teachers, 12 selected school management committee members and 60 students of grade eight selecting five from each school from Kaski district including semi- urban and rural area were taken to sample . The main objectives of the study : I. To compare the Mathematics achievement of the students from community based schools and public based schools. II. To compare the Mathematics achievement of students from community based schools with respect to gender. III. To compare the Mathematics achievement of students from public based schools with respect to genders. IV. To identify the teachers’ attitudes towards the school management system of community based schools and public based schools. V. To identify the students’ attitude towards the school management system of community based schools and public based schools. Descriptive and comparative analyses are applied to analyze the teachers and students attitudes towards the school management system. Z- Test is applied to compare the Mathematics achievement between the community based schools and public based schools as well as gender are compared with schools respectively at 5% level of significance. The major findings of the study are : Teachers had more positive attitude towards the school management system of community based schools than public schools. Students had also more positive attitude towards the school management system of community based schools than public based schools. There is significant mean difference between the lower secondary level students from community based schools and public based schools, there is significant mean different between the lower secondary level students from community based schools with respect to gender. There is significant mean different between lower secondary level students from public based schools with respect to gender. This study can be extensively done to acquire more valid and reliable information extending to national level, students oriented activities are must to make teaching and learning more fruitful. These must be practical use of teacher's trainings and traditional teaching method may be changed, there is most active participation between parents in school and management committee should be devoted to increase the quality of education.