Role of Delayed Feedback in Developing Writing

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Faculty of English
The present study entitled "Role of Delayed Feedback in DevelopingWriting" is an attempt to find out effectiveness of delayed feedback indeveloping students' ability inwriting. The researcher selected thirty students by using non-random judgmental sampling procedure. The researcher used different types of tests as research tool.The research showed that students’ average score was 724 (i.e.48.26%) in pre-test whereas in post-test it was increased by 21.8(70.06%). These data showed that after experimental teaching when we provide delayed feedback appropriately students are encouraged towards it and will improve better in their writing skill. Delayed Feedback plays significantrole to develop students’ writing ability. In the name of delayed feedback we shouldn’t provide delayed feedback too late. So teachers are suggested provide feedback when students need. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is an introducing part.This chapter includes general background of the topic, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, researchquestions, significance ofstudy, delimitation of the study research questions, significance of the study And operational definitions of the key terms. Chapter two consistsof review of the related theoretical and empirical literature, conceptual framework and implications of the study. Likewise, third chapter is methodology. This chapter deals with design and methods of the study,tools and techniques, data collection procedures and analysis and interpretation procedures similarly; chapter four includes analysis and interpretation of result and summary of findings. Finally, the last chapter deals with conclusions and recommendations of the study.