Functions of Literature,Anna Karenina, in Nilo Cruz'sAnna in the Tropics

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Department of English
Nilo Cruz'sPulitzer Prizewinning play,Anna in the Tropics(2003),shows importance of literature in life.Literature performs differenttasks. Firstly,it educates human beings. Secondly,it provides pleasures to them.Thirdly,it makes them serious and thoughtful.Leo Tolstoy's novel,Anna Karenina,as a representativetext of literature, performs all these tasks in the play,Anna in the Tropics. It educates characters like Marela, Conchita, Palomo andSantiago. Similarly,it also provides pleasures to them.But, it makes Chechen and Palomo serious and thughtful. It reminds Chechen of his ghost past?Mildred, and Palomo, of his duty to his wife, Conchita. Thus, they feel tortured in two different ways. So,the play shows dual functions of literature in life?