Learning Behaviour of Horse [Equus Ferus Caballus Linnaeus 1758] in Nepal Cavalry Barrack, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu

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Central Department of Zoology Institute of Science and Technology Tribhuvan University Kirtipur, Kathmandu
Scientists and equestrians continually seek to achieve a clearer understanding of Equus learning behaviour and its implications for training. Behavioural and learning processes in the horse are likely to influence not only Equus athletic success but also the usefulness of the horse as a domesticated species. However, given the status and commercial importance of the animal, Equus learning behaviour has received only limited investigation. Indeed this experimental research on learning behavior of horse colts studies on different behaviors of horse colt during learning stage. Learning ability index (LAI) is selected as major statistical tool for the comparison of learning ability of different age groups of colts. Learning behavior of Equus ferus caballus was studied at NCB (Nepal Cavalry Barrack) by the direct observation, field survey and questionnaire method. Field research was conducted mainly from June 2014 to August 2014 to explore the learning behavior of colt. The total populations of horses in NCB were 101 among them 50 were gelds, 6 colts, 13 stallions, 4 fillies and 28 mares. Expert trainers give training to horses having age below 4 years and above 2 years. Horse school in NCB is rectangular having height 3m, length 60 m and breadth 20m. On the ground of horse school there is sand, wooden dust and horse dung up to 15cm height. Each horse is controlled by single trainer. Training is given every day until they do not complete their training. This research includes the learning behavior of six colts in NCB. During training colts show different behavior like fighting, flighting, kicking and bitting. Trainers of horse teach to horse by repeating every event for many days and they reward to horse if it does nice and punishes if it does mistake (fighting and bitting). They reward by giving food. Every trainer takes stick to punish them. Learning ability test does not show any significant difference among six colts due to the less difference in their age group. Punishment and reward given to the colt don‟t effect for their learning. The major recommendations of this study are to use scientific technology and tools in NCB for the training of horses. Horse breeding and training should be improved for the local people, horse club and horse school for the improvement of horse sports. It may help in the development of country in the field of sports.