Implementation Status of Continuous Assessment System in English Language Teaching

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Faculty of English Education
English has been taught as compulsory subject at all levels of school education system of Nepal (1-12). It has been taught as foreign language too. The most important volumes of world publications in science technology, and commerce have been published in English Language. Similarly the learning of English opens the world knowledge for our children. That is why, learning English is increasing worldwide. We use English as an international language of diplomacy, knowledge, business, communication, tourism, and so on. Moreover English has been enhanced as global language too. English has a dominant reputation, and position in the field of international media, modern science and information technology, literature, and academia. In the context of Nepal, English language learners cannot perform well because of less contextual learning or only through the bookish knowledge. The teacher emphasizes on reading and writing skills and the students just produce sentences poorly not contextually. This reflects in their learning achievements. The learning achievement of the students is not satisfactory in the government schools of Nepal. There might be number of reasons such as wrong trend of teaching, lack of teaching materials, poor teaching environment, methods, and, evaluation tools. The students have been evaluated through the oral and written examination in the government schools. In the terms of the evaluation, National Curriculum Development Centre has implemented Continuous Assessment System in the government schools throughout the country from grade one to seven (CDC,2069). According to this tools learners have been evaluated their performances immediately after each lesson through five determinants such as class work, project work, behaviour change, creative work, and attendance. As a researcher, I intend to get the real status of continuous assessment system in pedagogic field recently. Therefore, I conducted this researchbeing based on thefield survey. I included five chapters in this thesis. In the first chapter, I mentioned about the introduction of Continuous Assessment System. I also provided short history of teaching and evaluation system of school education. Expressing the existing problem of Evaluation, I formulated three objectives and questions for the research. In chapter two I expressed review of theoretical literature, review of empirical literature and implication of the review literature for the study so that they helped me to carry out research easily. I also included theoretical/ conceptual framework for more help. In chapter three, I mentioned design and method of the study, population and sample of the study, sampling procedure, sources of data, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedures, data analysis and interpretation of procedure. In chapter four, I mentioned analysis of data and interpretation of the result. Similarly, in chapter five, I included conclusion and recommendation based on data that I found in my research.