Ethical Rendition of the Otherin Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible

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Department of English
This thesis is a critical discussion of Barbara Kingsolver’s novel The Poisonwood Biblefrom the perspective of ethical humanism. With the help of the reference from text, the researcher finds out that Kingsolver deploys the characters influenced by both modern and postmodern ethics. There are few characterswho follow Kantian rational morality and while some other characters follow postmodern ethical humanism. The major characters are other centered. Liberal humanist characters like Nathan, Elexroot and Joseph Mobutu are egomaniac, self-centered, ethnocentric and rational. They disregard the feelings of others, they dehumanize human sentiments. In contrast, characters like Leah, Anatole, Orleanna, Adah, Ruth May, Mama Mwanza and Brother Fowles focus more on sensibility, responsibility and empathy. They respect the otherness of other. The novelist intends to say that rational universal morality is no more a moral ethics, it fails to address the current necessity of understanding the other. Hence, the concept of auto/ethno continuum is appropriate in order to understand other. Ethical humanism focuses on the other, it is other centered. It is only possible when one abandons his pride and prejudices, biases and open oneself for change. Ultimately, in the novel characters who were rational earlier change themselves in the course of time and develop a mature self which respects the Other, feel responsible towards other and have genuine empathy towards other. Hence, the ultimate goal of ethical humanism is to establish harmonious and respectful relationship between self and other.