Social media advertising and It’s impact on consumer buying behavior of cosmetic product in Kathmandu valley
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Shanker Dev Campus
The study completed in Social Media Advertising And It’s Impact on Consumer Buying Behavior of Cosmetic Product in Kathmandu Valley with objectives to analyze current situation of social media means advertising of cosmetic product in Kathmandu valley, examine the social media advertising factor change the consumer perception, attitude, value and interest towards cosmetic product and assess the impact of change consumer perception, attitude, values, and interest on consumer buying behavior of cosmetic product. The study was completed under the descriptive and causal research, where descriptive research design describe the feature and characteristics of the data and response of respondent by taking sample size 400 out of total population of the Kathmandu valley who were used the cosmetic product. Study had used the descriptive, correlation and regression model to reached conclusion. Finding of the study was, there was significant correlation between independent variables consumer perception, attitude, values and interest and dependents variables consumer buying behavior and regression shows the significant impact of independent variable consumer perception, attitude, values and interest on dependent variable consumer buying behavior where calculated f value 37.754 is significant at 0.05 levels that mean regression line was fit. Dependent variable buying behavior and independent variables are social media advertisement, consumer perception, consumer attitude, and consumer value and consumer preferences.