Recent Submissions
Item Customer satisfaction survey of Nepalese Commercial Banks(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Dangol, Sujan ; Kapil KhanalItem Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty of mobile phones in Kathmandu valley(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Khapangi, Lokendra Bahadur ; Mikha ShresthaThis dissertation aims to study the “Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty of mobile phones in Kathmandu Valley” in order to jot down the factual and thorough understanding of the respondent’s status as a mobile phone user. The research aims the user inside Kathmandu valley among the groups of respondents, profiled as gender, age group, family monthly income, academic qualification and employment status. Furthermore, the brand loyalty was also found to be affected by characteristics of mobile phones, that includes price range and mobile brands (manufacturers), customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction that includes satisfaction include device’s dimension, quality, brand switching cost, price fairness and many more. The survey was conducted among 400 respondents. Among 400 respondents, the majority of the respondents were male and aged between 21 to 27, found out that brand image, perceived brand quality and brand switching cost are major factor affecting customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, however, the brand image, perceived brand quality, brand experience has positive relation with customer satisfaction and brand loyaltyItem Social media advertising and It’s impact on consumer buying behavior of cosmetic product in Kathmandu valley(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Karki, Biva ; Kapil KhanalThe study completed in Social Media Advertising And It’s Impact on Consumer Buying Behavior of Cosmetic Product in Kathmandu Valley with objectives to analyze current situation of social media means advertising of cosmetic product in Kathmandu valley, examine the social media advertising factor change the consumer perception, attitude, value and interest towards cosmetic product and assess the impact of change consumer perception, attitude, values, and interest on consumer buying behavior of cosmetic product. The study was completed under the descriptive and causal research, where descriptive research design describe the feature and characteristics of the data and response of respondent by taking sample size 400 out of total population of the Kathmandu valley who were used the cosmetic product. Study had used the descriptive, correlation and regression model to reached conclusion. Finding of the study was, there was significant correlation between independent variables consumer perception, attitude, values and interest and dependents variables consumer buying behavior and regression shows the significant impact of independent variable consumer perception, attitude, values and interest on dependent variable consumer buying behavior where calculated f value 37.754 is significant at 0.05 levels that mean regression line was fit. Dependent variable buying behavior and independent variables are social media advertisement, consumer perception, consumer attitude, and consumer value and consumer preferences.Item CUSTOMERS PERCEPTION ON GREEN BANKING PRACTICES IN COMMERICAL BANKS OF KATHAMNDU, NEPAL(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Roshani Bhandari; Joginder GoetItem THE EFFECTS OF DIGITAL MARKETING ON CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS IN KATHMANDU VALLEY(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Rabina Kumari; Asso. Prof. Suman Kamal ParajuliItem CONSUMER WILLING TO BUY BRANDED CLOTHING IN KATHMANDU(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Prajita Koirala; Asso.Prof. Suman Kamal ParajuliItem FACTORS AFFECTING THE RELATIONSHIP MARKETING IN NEPALESE INSURANCE COMPANIES(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Kiran Shrestha; Asso. Prof. Suman Kamal ParajuliThe purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics that influence relationship marketing in Nepalese insurance businesses, with a particular emphasis on trust, commitment, feeling satisfied, communicating effectively, and managing conflicts. Through the use of structured questionnaires, data was acquired from 400 consumers through the use of a mix of descriptive and causal comparative study techniques. The descriptive analysis revealed moderate levels of trust, commitment, contentment, and communication, accompanied by strong confidence in conflict management techniques. The results of the correlation study showed that there are strong positive links between relationship marketing (RM), trust, commitment, satisfaction, and communication. Regression analysis further corroborated these results, revealing trust, commitment, contentment, and communication as important predictors of RM, accounting for 69.6% of its variation. On the other hand, conflict management demonstrated very little influence. These findings highlight the crucial role that establishing trust, encouraging commitment, assuring high levels of satisfaction, and sustaining effective communication techniques play in the process of improving relationship marketing activities inside Nepalese insurance businessesItem EFFECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER PURCHASE DECISION(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Ankit Aryal; Mikha ShresthaThe company can advertise their product, do marketing and even sell their products via social media. People are also preferring online shopping in contrary to the traditional shopping as online shopping saves time, provides opportunity to compare the available options about the products, find the option within budget and many more. However, there are certain parameters which influences the purchase decision of the consumers while performing the online shopping. People often hesitate to do online shopping because of the miscellaneous factors. This research project entitled “Effect of Social Media Advertisement on Consumer Purchase Decision” has tried to identify and find out some of the factors with regards to the social media which can influence the purchase decision of consumers in context of Nepal. The objective of this research is to assess the influence of social media on purchase decision of Nepalese consumers. Here, five independent variables have been defined (i) Trust, (ii) Perceived Usefulness, (iii) Recommendations and Referrals, (iv) Forums and Communities. Hypotheses are setup to assess and examine the influence of these five independent factors with the dependent factor (Purchase Decisions). These independent variables have been decided following various journals and previous research made with regards to purchase decision of online consumers. This research is survey-based descriptive research where nonprobability convenience sampling method is used to collect the information. The sample and the population of this research represents the Nepalese consumers. Primary data was used for this research. Data was collected from the questionnaires that were distributed to the potential online consumers of various demographic status. Questionnaire was distributed to 620 individuals out of which 400 responded. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using IBM SPSS and Microsoft Excel. Various statistical tools and theories were analyzed to interpret the result.Item IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMERS IN CONTEXT TO APPAREL PURCHASE IN KATHMANDU VALLEY(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Sajal Shakya; Dr.Bimala ManandharThis research is a study of “IMPULSIVE BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMERS IN CONTEXT TO APPAREL PURCHASE IN KATHMANDU VALLEY”. This study aimed to find out Impulsive buying behavior of consumer in context to apparel purchase in Kathmandu valley has and also try to find out its relevancy and importance. This study was done by using the primary data collected with the help of Google sheet. For the data collection sample of 410 people in Kathmandu valley was collected .Data analysis is done with the help of Google sheet, MS Excel and SPSS. Collected was proceed in data analysis software to calcuted mean, Standard Deviation correlation and regression. This study is done to check impulsive buying behavior the relation with price of product, self-esteem, anxiety, TV/media, social desirability and in-store display. This study includes five chapters. The first chapter introduces consists of background study Statement of problem, Objectives of study, hypothesis, importance of study and limitation of study. The second chapter literature review consists of theoretical review, empirical review and research gap. Chapter three researches Methodology consist of Research Design, Population and Sample, Nature and Sources of Data, Data Collection Procedures, Data Analysis Tools and Research frame work and definition of variables. Chapter four presentations and analysis consist Presentation and Analysis of Data and Hypothesis Testing. Chapter five summary and conclusion consist of Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation.Item CONSUMER ETHNOCENTRISM AND PURCHASE INTENTION OF NEPALI FASHION BRANDS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Prawesh Khanal; Binita ManandharThis study investigates the factors influencing the purchase intention of Nepali fashion brands through a detailed analysis of participant demographics and perceptions. The research reveals a predominantly male respondent base (55.8%), emphasizing the importance of gender-related influences on consumer behavior in fashion contexts. Moreover, the age group of 40-49 years emerges significantly (39.8%), suggesting their pivotal role in shaping perceptions and behaviors related to Nepali fashion brands. Marital status diversity is evident, with unmarried individuals comprising the largest group (54.5%), followed by married (44.2%) and divorced participants (1.2%). Occupational diversity highlights various job positions, from entry-level trainees (18.2%) to mid-level officers (43.0%) and senior officers (12.8%). Participants demonstrate moderate confidence in their product knowledge but varied perceptions of brand image, including a positive ethnocentric orientation towards Nepali brands. Word-of-mouth communication and its impact on consumer trust and purchase intentions are also explored. The study's regression analysis indicates strong relationships between brand image, consumer ethnocentrism, word of mouth, and product knowledge, collectively explaining 58% of the variability in purchase intention. Overall, this research underscores the multifaceted influences shaping consumer behavior towards Nepali fashion brands and provides insights crucial for marketers aiming to enhance consumer engagement and loyalty.Item Television advertising and its impact on consumer behaviour of cosmetic product (with reference to clinic plus Shampoo)(2014) Sharma, Tilak Prasad; Chakra Bahadur BomNot availableItem Customer loyalty in the retail banking market of Nepal(2010) Kharel, Rita; Shiva Pd. PokharelNot availableItem BUYERS BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS AUTOMOBILES IN BHAIRAHAWA(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Maya Chhantyal; Dr. Binita ManandharItem Market segmentation strategy of private engineering institution in Nepal (a case study of Acme Engineering College)(2009) Oli, Khadga B. Sen; Laxman M. Dhoj JoshiAvailable in fulltextItem DIGITAL MARKETING IN HR SERVICE SECTORGE(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Srijana Giri; Asso. Prof. Suman Kamal ParajulItem CONTRIBUTION OF TOURISM MARKET TO THE GROWTH OF NEPALESE ECONOMY(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Laxman B.C; Dr. Binita ManandharItem EFFECT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR OF SMART PHONE USERS IN KATHMANDU VALLEY(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Sonika Shrestha; Mikha ShresthaThis study investigates the effect of impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior of smart phone users in Kathmandu valley. This study is based on descriptive research design and causal-comparative research design to deal with fundamental issues associated with the impact of advertisement on consumer buying behaviour of smart phone users. This study has included 400 smart phone users based in Kathmandu Valley. This study used descriptive statistic, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis by using SPSS version 26. This study shows that the majority of the respondents agreed that online advertisement highly affects their buying behavior of smart phone users and they believe that their intense to buy is also high. The correlation analysis also shows that there is significant positive association between TV advertisement and consumer buying behaviour. Similarly, there is significant positive association between radio advertising and the consumer buying behaviour. At the same time, correlation value between online advertising and the consumer buying behaviour is significant positive. Moreover, print advertising has significant position association with consumer buying behaviour of smart phone users. The regression result reveals that TV advertisement has significant positive effect on consumer buying behaviour. Likewise, there is significant positive effect of radio advertisement on consumer buying behaviour. At the meantime, online advertising has significant positive impact on consumer buying behaviour. Finally, there is significant positive effect of print advertisement on consumer buying behaviour of smart phone users. Therefore, this study concluded that the impact of advertisement on consumer buying behavior of smart phone users in Kathmandu valley.Item FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION IN FINANCIAL MARKET AND ITS IMPACT IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN NEPAL(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Apsara Paudel; Suren Babu KadelItem QR CODES AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF COMMERCIAL BANK(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Anjana Gurung; Binita ManandharThis study investigates how QR code banking influences customer satisfaction within Nepalese commercial banks. Findings reveal a moderate negative correlation between QR code banking satisfaction and Internet banking satisfaction, suggesting a trade-off between these services. While QR code banking does not significantly affect mobile banking satisfaction, higher QR satisfaction correlates with slightly elevated overall customer satisfaction. The study underscores the importance of strategic improvements in QR code banking to enhance customer satisfaction across Nepalese banks. This research examines the influence of Internet banking on customer satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between satisfaction in Internet banking and mobile banking services, indicating mutual satisfaction among users. However, there is a negative correlation between Internet banking satisfaction and QR code services, pointing to potential speed-related issues. The findings suggest opportunities for Nepalese banks to strategically enhance Internet banking services to improve overall customer satisfaction levels. This study evaluates the impact of mobile banking on customer satisfaction within Nepalese commercial banks. Analysis shows that while mobile banking has a moderate effect on overall customer satisfaction, its influence on QR code banking satisfaction is minimal. Higher satisfaction with mobile banking weakly correlates with increased overall customer satisfaction. These insights suggest avenues for Nepalese banks to focus on optimizing mobile banking services to further enhance customer satisfaction and overall service qualityItem IMPACT OF WORKFORCE DIVERSITY ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION IN NEPALESE COMMERCIAL BANKS(Shanker Dev Campus, 2024) Manish Rana; Asso. Prof. Dr. Sajeeb Kumar ShresthaDiversity in the workforce has been recognized as one of the key competencies that will provide firms an advantage over rivals. The most often observed diverse demographic factors among the workforce of several firms are age, gender, and ethnicity. Diversity in the workforce has been recognized as one of the key competencies that will provide firms an advantage over rivals. The most often observed diverse demographic factors among the workforce of several firms are age, gender, and ethnicity. In practice, globalization results in a more diverse workforce, which in turn causes differences in the norms, values, and modes of thought held by the employees. Because of this, in order for any firm to remain competitive, it must diversify. Effective human resource management is essential to any organization's success as it requires diversification. Making the most of employees' abilities and determining the ideal workforce composition are essential components of human resource management. This study's main goal is to investigate how employee happiness in Nepalese commercial banks is affected by a diverse staff. The specific goals are to: analyze how employees perceive the impact of workforce diversity (gender, age, and education background diversity) on employee satisfaction within the organization; investigate the relationship between gender, age, and education background diversity and employee satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks; evaluate the influence of gender, age, and education background diversity on employee satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks; and identify the main factors that significantly affect employee satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks. The study examines the effect of workforce diversity on employee satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks using descriptive and causal comparative research approaches. The three independent variables are education background, age, and gender. The dependent variable in this case is worker happiness. The analysis is based on 380 observations from Nepal's 11 commercial banks. SPSS has been used to process the gathered data. Four hundred surveys were sent out in all. 380 answers were gathered from various Nepalese commercial banks out of them. The four components of the questionnaires that were given to the respondents were based on the literature study that was done; the first and second xii sections included closed-ended questions, while the third and fourth sections had statements on a Likert scale. The five-point Likert scale was used to assess the various workforce diversity characteristics and employee satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks. Regression analysis, ANNOVA, correlation analysis, and percentage frequency distribution were used to examine primary data in order to arrive at the study's fact finding. The study's findings indicate that, among other factors, gender, age, and educational background have a major impact on worker satisfaction in Nepal's commercial banks.