A Study on Translation of Culturalterms:A Case of The Novel Palpasa Cafe

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Faculty of Education
The present study entitled "AStudyonTranslationof Cultural Terms: A Case of the Novel PalpasaCafe"has beencarried out with theobjectivesoffindingout the techniques and the gaps in translation of the novel'PalpasaCafe'. This research is based on 200cultural terms from theselected novel.The researcher usednon-randomjudgmentalsamplingprocedure to samplethe cultural terms.Onlyobservationwastheresearchtool for data collection.On the basis of thecollecteddata, the analysis has been done. Afteranalysis,it was found that tentechniquesare used in translated novel'Palpasa Cafe'.Literal translation is the most used technique where asnaturalizationis theleast used technique and four types of gap existed in the translated version ofthe novel. Thisresearch studyconsistsof fourchapters.Chapteronedeals withgeneralbackground oftranslation studies, the importance and scopeof translation,techniques/proceduresoftranslation, gapsin translation, culturalcategories,transliteration, an overview of the novel'Palpasa Cafe', reviewof the relatedliterature, objectives of the study and significance of the study.Chaptertwoincludesthe methodology which wasfollowed in the study. It deals with thesources of data, sampling procedure, research tools, process of datacollection and limitations of the study. Chapterthreedeals with the analysisand interpretation of the data with suitable examples. Chapterfourdealswith findings and recommendations. On the basis of findings, somerecommendations have been made for pedagogical implications.