Motivational Techniques Used to Teach English for Differently Abled Learners

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Department of English Education
This research entitled ''Motivational Techniques Used to Teach English for Differently Abled Learners'' is an attempt to study the techniques that English teachers used to motivate differently abled learners. The main objectives of this study were to explore the motivational techniques used to teach English for differently abled students and to find out challenges faced by the teachers while creating motivation in ELT classroom for differently abled children. The researcher took ten ELT teachers as the sample from ELT teachers of Kathmandu valley who taught differently abled children using purposive sampling strategy. He used questionnaire and classroom observation as tools for data collection. The data were analyzed using simple statistical tools like tabulation and percentage. The findings of study showed that English teachers use different techniques to motivate differently abled learners such as storytelling, games, group work. Teaching aids, individual feedback, classroom participation, inappropriate environment were main challenges faced by EFL teachers to motivate differently abled children. This study has been divided into five chapters. The first chapter of the study deals with back ground of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. The second chapter deals with review of related theoretical literature, review of empirical literature, implications of the study and conceptual frame work. Third chapter deals with design of the study, population, sample and sampling strategies, research tools, source of data, data collection procedures, data analysis procedures and ethnical consideration. In chapter four data were analyzed and interpretation of the results. Fifth chapter deals with findings, conclusion, and recommendation of the study. The observation forms and questionnaire have been included in appendixes and references were submitted at the end of his study.
Motivational techniques, Able students