Repair in Nepali and English Conversation

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Department of English Education
This research entitled ‘Repair in Nepali and English Conversation’ was carried out to find out the nature of repair organization in Nepali conversation. The main motto of this research was to find out how Nepalese speakers deal with the problem occurred during the conversation and lead the conversation ahead successfully. Not only that the researcher aimed to compare the repair organization of Nepali with English repair organization. To accomplish this work twenty informal and four formal evidences of conversations were recorded by using audio recording device. Later these conversations were transcribed using the conventional transcriptions developed by Schegloff et al. (1977). Analysing and interpreting these transcribed data the researcher found that Nepali repair organization is compatible to American English conversation but only the use is different. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter presents the brief introduction of conversation and repair along with their concept, types and components involved with them. The second chapter deals with the methodology of the research. This includes sources of data, data collection tools and sampling procedures. It also presents the limitations of the research. The third chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. It talks about how Nepalese speakers deal with the problem occurred during the conversation. It also presents the comparative analysis of Nepali and English conversation repair. Fourth chapter presents the findings and recommendations. The resources and works consulted to accomplish this thesis are listed in the reference section. Finally, the transcribed data are presented in the appendix section.