Use of Discourse markers in Englishand Nepali

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Faculty of Education
This thesisentitled ‘Use of DiscourseMarkersin English and Nepali’is an attempt to analyze the forms and functions of discourse markers inthe two languages,English and Nepali, which are known to be thedescendents of the same language family. Therefore,Ihavetried to findout the similarities and differencesinuse of discourse markers orin theirstructures/forms and functions between these languages. The method ofobservation, analysis and interpretation has been applied to make acomparative study of the discourse markers. To meet the objectives of theresearch,20 native speakers of Nepali as respondents from Kathmandudistrict were selectedusing purposive samplingand were asked torespond to the questionnaire.Further more some daily life conversationswere also observedinformallyand somereferencebooks both fromEnglish and Nepali were consulted as thesecondarysources.The mainfindings of the researchwasboth English and Nepali possess single wordand multi word discourse markers, which form a functional category butthere is no one to one correspondence between English and Nepalidiscourse markers. This thesis consists of four chapters. The firstchapter introduces thegeneral background of the English and Nepali languages and attempts togive the general introduction of discourse and discourse analysis (DA)anddiscourse markers (DMs). This chapteralso deals with the review ofthe related literature and the objectives and the significance of the study.The second chapter deals with methodology of the study. It comprisessources of data, population of the study,process of data, collection andlimitation of the study. The third chapter deals with the analysis andinterpretation of discourse markers in English and Nepali in terms of theirforms/structures and functions. Similarly, the last chapter deals with thefindings and recommendations. After the comparison and contrast ofdiscourse markers the findings are concluded along with pedagogicalimplications.