Study on Some Physico-Chemical parameters In Relation to Primary Productivity of Kirtipur Village Pond

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Department of Zoology
The present study entitled "Study on some physico-chemical parameters in relation to primary productivity of Kirtipur village pond"was conducted from 5 th July to 20 December 2002. The physical parameters such as temperature, depth, transparency,water colour and nature of the day were observed on the field. The chemical parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, free carbondioxide, total alkalinity, total hardness,dissolved calcium and chlorides were also analyzed in the field. Primary productivity was measured by using light and dark bottle technique(Gaardner and Garm, 1927). The average value of pH of the pond water was found 8.25. The dissolved oxygen (D.O.) was found with an average value of 4.90 ppm and free carbondioxide (CO2 th ) 19.16 ppm.Similarly, the average values of total alkalinity, total hardness, dissolved calcium and chlorides were found 100.58 ppm, 84.08 ppm, 99.75 ppm and 36.37 ppmrespectively. The average value of primary productivity recorded was 29.95 gm/c/m /hr. The chemical parameters like D.O., free CO2 3 and calcium were found in limiting amount where as total hardness, total alkalinity and dissolved chlorides were in excess. Statistical analysis showed the positive correlation of primary productivity with free CO2 , transparency, total hardness, total alkalinity and calcium and negative with depth, temperature, PH,dissolved oxygen and chlorides. Present investigation suggested that the pondmay beproductive and suitable for fish growth.