Attitudes of English Language Teachers Towards Testing System of Secondary Level

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Faculty of English Education
The thesisentitled "Attitudes of English Teachers towards Testing System ofSecondary Level". It aims to find out the attitudes of English teachers towardsEnglish Language Testing System. To accomplish the objectives of the study, theresearcher selected eighteen English teachers from public schoolsfrom JhapaDistrict. They were chosen by using(non-random)purposive sampling procedure.For collecting data, the researcher used a set of questionnaire including the open-ended and close-ended questions. The questions were categorized into three items;they were 'General Question', 'Reasons for testing English language', and 'positiveand negative aspects of English language testing system '. The main finding of thestudy was that the maximum numbers of English teachers were dissatisfied withthe present English language testing system of secondary level of Nepal. Theywanted change in the existing testing system. They specially arguedthat ourEnglish language testing is not emphasizing four language skills equally and alsonot following the international norms and standard of ELT system strictlylike asIELTS and TOEFL. The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction of thestudy. The second chapter contains the review of related literature and theoreticalframework. In this way, the third chapter deals withmethods and procedures of thestudy. Similarly, the fourth chapter incorporates analysis and interpretation ofresults and summary of findings. Finally, the fifth chapter comprises theconclusions and recommendation with policy related, practice related and furtherresearch related. At the end the references and appendices are included.