Effectiveness of Individual and Pair Work Techniques in Teaching Grammar

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Department of English Education
This research entitled "Effectiveness of Individual and Pair Work Techniques in Teaching Grammar" is conducted to find out the effectiveness of Individual and pair work technique in teaching grammar in English language classroom. For this, I purposively selected a public school, Shree Kerwani Higher Secondary School from Rupandehi district. In order to collect data, both, primary and secondary sources used. All the data were collected through the test items prepared for pretest and posttest. Forty students of grade Eight were selected using simple random sampling procedure, were involved in this study. The students were divided into two groups, experimental group and controlled group. The main tools for data collection were test items. A pretest was administered before students were divided into two groups. Both the groups were taught for 24 days. The experimental group was taught by using pair work technique and the controlled group was taught by using individual work technique. After the treatment posttest was administered by using the same test items that were used in the pretest. After the analysis and interpretation of the data the experimental group which was taught by pair work technique excelled controlled group in all the test items. Thus, I can say that the pair work technique is more effective, interactive and interesting than individual work technique in teaching grammar in language classes. This research consists of four, chapters. The first chapter consists of the background of the study, review of the related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology used in the study. Which includes, sources of data, sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and limitations of the study. Similarly, chapter three presents the analysis and interpretation of data. The fourth chapter includes, findings of the study and some recommendations on the basis of findings, Lastly, the references and appendices are included.