Transnational Formation: Between Home and Location in Azadeh Moaveni's Lipstick Jihad

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Department of English
This research paper interprets AzadehMoaveni's memoir Lipstick Jihad as transnational studies of understanding. While reading this book from transnational perspectives, Moaveni represents herself as a transnational character along with her profession that associateherself near with global connection and intimate with technological aspects. Being the central character of the text,she experiences the modern life in relation to the use of different elements and connects with agents that foster transnational understanding. The settlement of diasporic community in America does not stand and bound with diaspora in itself regarding today's world, rather it is now advanced with transnational entity. The characters other than Moaveni are too infatuated with modern equipment and gadgets. Although the intention of the author is to present the text as a memoir, the textual expression convey different message relating to agents of modern (transnational) life. Linear religious pattern to secularism, use of latest gadgets and cyberspaces, modes of travelling to different national territories and use of media in adequate proportion are some of the evidences that support the text with transnational agendas to research and analyze. The connection between different national entities to form a global mutuality relates with the sense of transnational understanding. Hence, the attempt of different people to be aware about the contemporary issues and establish the reciprocal relations with the people around the world denotes the transnational human life in modern world.