Causes of Low Achievement of Gurung Students in Mathematics

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Department of Mathematics Education
This is a case study related to Cause of Low Achievement in Mathematics of Gurung Students in Gorkha district. The objective of this study were to explore causes that bring low achievement in mathematics of Gurung students, to identify the strategies taken by school for improving mathematics achievement and to find the mathematics learning environment of Gurung students at home and school at secondary level students. This is a qualitative study which followed case study design. Study was conducted with the sample size of four Gurung students (2 boys and 2girls) from grade X of the Shree Himali Secondary School in Gorkha. The students were selected on the basis of purposive sampling method. Tools of the data collection were interview with students, parents, mathematics teacher, teacher, Head teacher, school management committee and learning environment at home and school. To identify the strategies taken by school for improving mathematics achievement and the mathematics learning environment of Gurung students at home and school. Such collected information were analyzed descriptively according to the constructivism theory. The result of the study showed that different causes of low achievement of Gurung students in mathematics they were parents education and occupation, learning opportunity at home, culture and customs, teaching method, Interest of learner, encouragement and motivation towards them relation between students and teacher, language, assessment technique, household work, negative attitude of teachers towards Gurung students, communication gap with guardians.