Information Seeking Behaviour of PhD Scholars Under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,T.U.

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Department of Library and Information Science
Prepared for the partial fulfillment of Masters’ Degree of Library and Information Science, this thesis presents an overview of the existing condition of the resources and services of the five academic libraries of TU. It focuses lie on the PhD scholars of TU and their satisfaction level at the time of retrieval of needed information from those libraries. It serves as a problem founding materials so as to elicit their views and suggestions for the further improvement of the library services on offer.An advanced academic degree awarded by universities is PhD degree. Research is the fact finding process and PhD degree can achieved after a long and deep research. PhD is the highest degree one can earn.The PhD has become a requirement for a carrier asa university professor or researcher in most fields. Most of the universities today recruit the researchers for serious study on their related field and award them by the doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree.For serious research the society should be advanced in knowledge preservation to presentation. Library can play vital role for the research process. Without information there is no possibility of research; and library housed large amount of information in various forms and formats. In information advanced society most of the information products should be available easily. Storage of the information is not more valuable if that is not available in easy way.To reach the targeted group; the researcher used descriptive research design. Data collection and data analysis procedure are the other methods used for the research analysis. Some scholars’ were interviewed indirectly and the recorded interview was analyzed at the time of data analysis. This thesis has documented various important aspects of libraries of TU.This research study consists of six chapters. First chapter deals with the introduction of the study. The second chapter deals with literature review. The third chapter is focus of study. Research methodology, population, data collection and data analysis procedure are discussed in the fourth chapter. Fifth chapter presents analyzed data, presentation and interpretation to evaluate for set objectives are positively met or not.Sixth, the last chapter deals with summaries, conclusions and recommendations.
Information retrieval, Library material