Male Politics in Normal Mailer's An American Dream

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Central Department of English Kirtipur, Kathmandu
This dissertation discusses the treatment of women characters in Norman Mailer‘s novel An American Dream. The so-called Dream of Jefferson‘s ―Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness‖, become mere dreams for American women. Long history of patriarchal domination in society and its created certain truth upon women is the one and only one bar for the emancipation of the women and their prosperity. Male politics to subordinate women is the hindrance for women‘s ‗American Dream‘. So to crumble down the male politics of subordination is indispensable to attain the dream. Until and unless bias nature of social system is not altered, women are not able to dream the ―American dream Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.‖ So, the novel An American Dream is true to females only by rupturing bias social construct of patriarchal domination and subordination in the existing society. So, Mailer raises the problem and hence female should go a head to encounter the male politics through there own strong notion of women‘s politics to overcome that