Socio-Economic Condition of Women workers in pokhara Industrial Estate

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Faculty of Sociology
Without women's participation goods of development activities can not befully attained. But, first priority is always given to a male, in the familyand society as well. Most women do household work, which is a tediousjob and they are considered economically inactive. In this context, thestudy is mainly concentrated on the employment of women in the industry.So the present study raises some questions related to the industrialwomen workers. What socio-economic background have women workersbeen working in industries and how do they maintain their livelihoodsthroughout the year? For finding out the answers of the question, thestudy has some objectives of 1. To analyze the socio-economic and demographiccharacteristics of women workers, 2. To study the facilities that provided by industry, 3. To study the working condition of women workers. As a student, the researcher had limited time to conduct fieldwork. Onlyseven different industries of Pokhara Industrial Estate were selected forthe study. The finding of this is based on information given by therespondents. This finding may not have generalized and compared to thedifferent industries and workers of Nepal. The dissertation has used the gender and development GAD framework inits discussion and analysis. It focuses on the five hierarchical levels ofequality-welfare, access concentration, participation and control. Gender 6 is the system of socially ascribed roles and relationship between men andwomen, which are determined not by biology but by social, political, andeconomic context. The present study is based on the descriptive research design.This isbasically based on both primary and secondary sources of information. In this study, primary data have been obtained through socio-economicprofile of the study area, a structured interview schedule about all relatedaspect is administered to the respondents. Observation method was usedto observe their living condition and the condition of working area.Likewise, an interview was also conducted toget qualitative information. The level of productivity of Nepalese women workers has been found tobe low, for there is lack of adequate education. The majority of therespondents said that they were satisfied with their wage and work. Themajority of respondents said that the wage was equal, paid in the samework between males and females. The relationships between factoryowners and women workers seemed to be linear and between womenand men workers. The majority of respondents said that they had goodrelation with men workers. Based on the findings of the present studysome recommendations have been made. A subsidized school (child care)should be opened in this area for the children of the women workers.Transportation facilities should be given to the workers who arecommuters. A well-equipped health post should be opened and 24 hourhealth care services should be provided.