The Diary of a Young Girl: Psychosexual Revelation of Anne Frank

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Department of English
The present research makes a study of Anne Frank, the writer of the diary, exploring her psychosexual build up. This exploration is conducted particularly on the basis of Freudian psychoanalysis. The nearly fifteen years old Anne Frank’s awareness of her sexuality makes her psychological growth normal. She is hopeful and optimistic towards her life, even though it is being shattered day by day. Her daily life has been disturbed by the daily news of mass murder of the Jews, yet her psychosexual growth towards a matured woman is not blocked. The Nazis are on the way to eliminate Jewish people from Europe, but they can not wipe out the happiness of Anne’s appearance, ambition of being a writer, faith on goodness, capacity for self- awareness and the journey towards a matured woman, because they get the foundation from her own psychosexuality.