English and Rajbansi Kinship Terms

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Faculty of English Education
The thesis entitled “English and Rajbansi Kinship Terms” is the vivid picture of a comparative study between English and Rajbansi kinship terms. The study aims to find out the Rajbansi kinship terms and to compare and contrast them with those of English. Kinship terms of both languages have been presented through consanguineal and affinal relations from the point of view of male and female ego and it also includes appellative and addressive uses of kinship relations. The data of Rajbansi Kinship terms were collected from forty native speakers of the Rajbansi language who were randomly selected from two VDCs. Twenty native speakers from each VDC were divided into different strata, using the stratified random sampling procedure. Structured interview and mobile phone recorder were used as research tools to collect data. It was found that there are more kinship terms in the Rajbansi language than that of English. It was also found that some kinship cover terms are available in the English language such as ‛grand parents’, ‛sibling’, ‛parents’, ‛cousin’, ‛offspring/child’ and ‛grandchild’ but they lack in the Rajbansi language. This thesis contains four chapters. They are introduction, methodology, analysis and interpretation, findings and recommendations. The first chapter deals with general background, literature review, objectives of the study, significance of the study and definitions of relations. The second chapter consists of source of data, sampling population, sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and the limitations of the study. The third chapter is more important as it presents analysis and interpretation of the collected data. The fourth chapter encompasses findings and recommendations