Mathematical concept practices by out of school children in Badi community

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Department of Mathematics Education
The main objective of this study was to identify and explore the mathematical concept practices by out of school children of Badi community in Bajhang District. In this study, counting, measurement system and four mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division where examined for out of school children of Badi community. This study was conducted with the sample size of two non-schooling Badi children of Bajhang district as a case study. The children were selected the basic of purposively sampling. Observation, interview, interaction, photographs were applied to investigate their learning of mathematical skill Vygotsky’s social constructivism theory was applied to analyze the data. This study found that the out of school Badi children have basic mathematical knowledge like counting, measuring, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They have learnt those skills and knowledge as they interacted being familiar with their environment or their adults. All these skills and knowledges which needed for them where learnt mostly from experiences situations and the cultural backgrounds where they are living on. Private speech observation, parents advices, adults, peers and imitation are the sources of learning mathematics. The learnt lesson from this study can be applied in formal education. All this requires a serious thought while making decision about curriculum, reading materials and pedagogical process to include in the main stream of education for sout of school program.
School children, Badi community