Attitude of Trained Teachers in Teaching Mathematics

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Department of Mathematics Education
Thisstudy intended to find out the attitude of trainedteacherstowards teaching mathematics and relationship between attitude and classroom practices of trained teachers in teaching mathematics at grade V. This study has been done on trained teachers(who taught mathematics at grade V) taken as population for the source of data in order to obtained the attitude of trained teachers towardsteaching mathematics and relationship between attitude and classroom practices of trained teachers. The nature of this study was of survey type and based on quantitative data. The corresponding hypothesis was formulated for statisticsverification. The researcher collected the data about the attitude of teachers towards teaching mathematics taking 40 trained teachers as sample from Saptari district and collected the data about the relationship between attitude and classroom practicesof trained teachers inteaching mathematics taking only 15 trained teachers (who thought mathematics at grade V) by random sampling method. A set of questionnaire consisting 25 statements was developed as the data collection tools to collect required data for thefirst objectiveof thisstudy. The statements in questionnaire were related to trained teachers attitude towards teaching mathematics. A set of opinionnaire consisting 15 statements was developed as the data collection tools to collect required data forthe second objective ofthe study and class observation form wasother data collecting tool for second objective. The response of teachers was measured with Likert's five point scale allotting scores 5,4,3,2 and 1 to scale in favors of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree respectively for the opinion of respondent on each statement.The collected data were edited and tabulated with finding attitude score of primary teachers, number of teacher who responds in each category. Then the χ was used to determine the attitude of trained teacherstowards teaching mathematics at the 0.05 level of significance and percentage was used to determine the relationship between attitude and classroom practice of trained teachers in teaching mathematics at grade V. The major finding and conclusionof the study were summarized asbellow:  There was positive attitude of trained teacherstowards teaching mathematics at grade V.  The attitude of trained teachers towards teaching mathematics does not match with theirclassroom practices. So, the relationship between attitude and classroom practices of trained teachers in teaching mathematics was moderate. 2 -test