Techniques in Translation of Cultural terms: A Case of Novel 'Mother'

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Central Department of English Education
The present study entitled"Techniques in Translation of Cultural Terms: ACase of Novel 'Mother'wasan attempt to find out the techniques and theirfrequenciesemployed in translating cultural terms. The main purpose of thisstudy wasto identify and categorize the basic features of cultural terms andpoint out the techniques and their frequencies.The data for the study werecollected from the novel 'Mother' and its Nepali translated version 'Āmā'. Inthis research work one hundred and fifty cultural terms were identified andthose terms were categorized into five categories as ecology, material culture,religious culture, social culture and organization and conceptual terms.Findings of the study showthat ten different techniques were found to havebeen employed in translating cultural words of the novel 'Mother'. For thisstudy different techniquessuchas: literal translation, borrowing, substitution,claque, deletion, blending, paraphrasing, addition, sense translation andmistranslation have beenapplied in translationofcultural words. Among them,literal translation was the most frequent one which covered 23.33% andblending was the leastusedone which covered only 1.33% of the total culturalwords. This study is divided into four chapters. Every chapter consists of necessaryheadings and subheadings. Chapter one introduces the study in terms of generalbackground, review ofthe related literature, objectivesand significance of thestudy. Chapter two deals with the methodology under which sources of data,process of data collection and limitations of the study are presented. Chapterthree is the core of the study, which presents statistical analysis andinterpretation of the data. Descriptive andanalytical approaches are used toanalyze the data. Chapter four discusses the findings of the study. On the basisof findings, some recommendations and pedagogical implications aresuggested. The references and appendices are the concluding parts of thestudy.