Factors Affecting Brain Drain of Nepalese Students

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Faculty of Management
Abstracts Brain drain is a phenomenon which occurs when highly qualified individuals emigrate from their home nations in search of better economic and living conditions, which may include higher revenue, access to modern technology, and more stable political environments. This dissertation explores the multifaceted factors influencing brain drain among Nepalese students, focusing on understanding the complexities that lead to the emigration of talented students from Nepal. This study aims to identify the factors of brain drain of Nepalese students, to analyze the relationship among influencing factors of brain drain of Nepalese students and to examine the extent of impact of brain drain factors on Nepalese students pursing higher education in aboard. I used both primary and secondary sources of data. Descriptive and casual comparative research design used to analyze the objectives of the study. This study finds that political stability & governance, research and development, safety and security, social network and peer influence has a significant impact on the brain drain. This study is beneficial for the policy makers of Nepal to retain and attract the skilled migrants back to their nation. Keywords: Brain drain; Human capital migration; Nepalese students; Influencing factors
BRAIN DRAIN, Human capital migration