Critiqueof Patriarchy in Defoe’sRoxana

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Central Department of English
This research entitled"Critiqueof Patriarchy in Defoe’sRoxana" analyzes the novel from the perspective of feminism. Roxana is the main character of novelwho resists patriarchy by using her female sexuality. Roxana expresses arguments against the position of wives, and extols the status of mistress. Revolutionary nature of Roxana introduces her asrevolutionaryof contemporary society. Roxana criticizes ongoing male dominated marriage system of the time and both mentally and physicallyandfight against it. She breaks the contract of marriage which is almost impossible at that time and celebrates freedom in life.Roxana brings her voices and establish her as feminist and protest patriarchy. In 18 th century,women beganto get equalrightand protest maledomination thoughbreaking socialnorms which made for women. Thispractice isvery nearto modern feministtheory sothisstudy isbased on feministperspective.