Washback Effect of Examination: A Case of Class Nine English

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Department of English Education
This study has been carried out to find out the washback effect of class Nine English examination and compare it between private and government aided schools. The researcher prepared two types of tools: questionnaire for the teachers and students and class observation form. In the questionnaire, different questions related to the examination and communicative functions/exponents included in class nine were asked. The questionnaires were distributed to 80 students, forty from private and forty from government aided schools and to ten teachers, five from private and five from the government aided schools. The data were collected from two private and two government aided schools. The major finding of this study was that the private schools were far ahead then government aided schools in every aspect. This study comprised four chapters. The first chapter dealt with the introduction of the topic in which general background of examination and test, washback effect, ELT situation in Nepal, the review of related literature, objectives of the study and significance of the study have been included. Chapter two included all the areas of methodology dealing with the source of data and population of the study. Sampling procedure, research tools, the process of data collection and the limitation of the study were also the part of the methodology. Chapter three covered analysis and interpretation of the collected data using different tables. Last chapter aimed at presenting the findings and recommendations for the purpose of improvement in related field. This chapter also included some suggestions made on the basis of the findings of the study. References and appendices are presented in the final part of this study.