Language Used in The News Stories :A Descriptive Study

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This studyanalyzed thelanguage used in the news stories from the viewpoint of thestructure, vocabulary, tense and aspect. The main objectives of the studywere to find out the characteristicfeatures of the language used in news stories in terms of sentence construction,voice, tense aspect and word classes. The study also compared thecharacteristic features among the four newspapers. For this purpose, theresearcher collected samples of news stories from four different newspapersnamely The Times, The Hindustan Times. The Kathmandu Post and TheHimalayan Times published from the UK, India and Nepal respectively. Thecollected stories included 200 sample structures. Among the major findings in structures, finite constructionswerefoundto have been used the highest among all the constructions. Imperativeconstructionswerenot found tohavebeenused inthe news stories. Regardingvocabulary, major wordswere morefrequent than the minor words. Regardingtense, past tensehadhigh frequency of use in the single element news stories.So far as aspectswereconcerned,thesimplepastwasfound tohave beenusedin all, the headline, the lead and the body. However,the simplepresenthasmainly used in the headline. Thethesisis divided into four chapters.Thefirst chapter is introductoryand consists of general background, review of the related literature, objectivesand significance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodologyadopted for the study.The third chapter presents the analysis and interpretationof the data. A descriptive approach has been used for this purpose. The fourthchapter deals with the findingsandrecommendations. The references and appendices have been included in the lastpartof thethesis.