Journey from Innocence to Experience: Theme of Quest in Treasure Island

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Department of English
This dissertation concentrates on the critical study of Robert Louis Stevenson's novelTreasure Islandin which he depictsthe journey from innocence to experience particularly through the character Jim and exposes the evilsof adult world and insight into the duplicity of human character by employing upon the medieval narrative tradition of the romantic quest theme.Treasure Islandrecounts a boy'sjourney from innocence toexperience, giving the physical adventure of a pirate storyofa heightened significance where Jim not only gets treasure but also knowledge about himself. Atthe surface level the physical journey of questcan be seen through naked eyes butatthe psychological level the hidden quest of Jim is unrevealed.Thisnovel potrays thetheme of questatboth physical andpsychological levels. Theprotagonist fulfils both the physical and mental quest along with adventure and romance that helps Jim enter the world experience from that of innocence.