Domestic Violence Against Women (A Case Study Among Tamang Community of Gundu VDC, Bhaktapur)

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Department of Population Studies
The research was conducted to identify the knowledge, situation and prevalence of domestic violence against women among the Tamang community of Gundu VDC ward no 1, 2, 3 was selected for the study.The study was conducted among 108 females. The majority of respondents are from the age group 20-29.Similarly, majority of the respondents are living in nuclear family i.e.58.3 percent. Highest percentage i.e. 84.3 percent respondents are following the agriculture occupation. Only 34.3 percent respondents are literate that means majority of respondents are illiterate. The level of knowledge about the domestic violence against women is better in the study area because 98.7 percent respondents said that they know about it. Radio and Television is the most effective source of information about DVAW, because 55.6 percent respondents informed about DVAW by Radio and Television, cent percent respondents have the knowledge about forms of DVAW i.e. violence a ctdue to alcoholism followed by physical attack i.e. 99.06 percent. All respondents have an experience of at least any forms ofDVAW. Among them highest proportion of respondents have an experience of unequal pay for equal work i.e. 85.2 percent followed by violence act due to alcoholism i.e. 78.7 percent. Similarly, 65.7 percent have an experience of verbal assault, physical attack (37 percent). Misbehave at pregnancy and delivery (24.12 %), Humilati on due to caste v (23.1 %). But it has seen that no-one have an experience about sexual harassment. Majority (59.3%) of the respondents are victimized by their husband. Similarly, 47.2 percent are victimized by their mother/mother inlaw followed by father/father in law i.e. 36.1 percent brother/brother inlaw (20.4 %), sister/sister in law (16.7 %) other relatives (12 %), out personnel (8.3 %) and step wife (6.5 %). Majority of the respondents saidthat the major reason of DVAW is illiteracy i.e. 42.6 percent followed by25.0 percent weak social status. Similarly, 23.1 percent respondent sreplied that they don’t know. It has seen that 20.4 percent respondents life is disturbed due to DVAW. Majority of the respondents (61.1%) have the sharing behaviour, whereas 38.9 percent keep secret such violence. Highestsh are with friends. It has seen that the reasons of keeping such incidence, majority of the respondents i.e. 64.30 percent keep secret due to family fear followed by fear from society i.e. 23.80 percent. Similarly,majority of the respondents view to control DVAW on punished propagator i.e. 80.6 percent followed by view on empowerment and improvement of women’s status i.e. 13.9 percent.Similarly, 5.6 percent respondents have views on creating awareness to control DVAW.