Performance in the English Language: Perception of Teachers and Students

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Department of English Education
The present thesis entitled'Performance in the English Language: Perception ofTeachers and Students'aims to find out the possible causes of poor performance bystudents. For this purpose, eighty students, (10 th graders) and four English subjectteachersof Bardiya District were selected through simple random and non-randomsampling procedure. The questionnaires were the tools for collecting primary data. Thedata were analyzed and interpreted statistically and descriptively. After analyzing thedata, themain findings of the research have shown that a single classroom consists ofabove 100 students, which is inconvenient for the students to learn English. Similarly,weak students were not paid attention for motivation and encouragement. Teachers usedonlyteacher centered techniques so that students' participation is quite poor. Besides,lack of teaching-learning materials was also found to be a dominant cause. This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one introduces the study with its generalbackground showing light on English language teaching, importance of English language,theories of language learning and teaching, language acquisition and learning, challengesof teaching and learning English language in Nepal and factors affecting languagelearning. It also incorporates review of the related literature, objectives and significanceof the study. Chapter two deals with the methodology of the study. It comprises source ofdata, sampling procedure, tools and process of data collection and limitation of the study.Similarly, chapter three presents the analysis and interpretations of the data. Data wereanalyzed by using different tables and their descriptions. Finally, chapter four discussesthe findings of the study. On the basis of findings pedagogical implications(recommendations) have been suggested. References and appendices present additionalinformation about the research work.