Changing Socio Economic Status of Kumal Community (A Case Study of Ramgha, Lamjung)

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Department of Sociology
Nepalese society is a unique example of the most use of different caste and ethnicgroups living together. Social structure of Nepal is very complex, which has beenhighlighted by various foreign and Nepalese scholars in their writings. Unity indiversity is the major characteristics of Nepalese national culture. Among thedifferent ethnic groups, Kumal is one of the indigenous ethnic groups havingtheir unique culture, traditions and rituals. The study of “Changing Socio-economic status of Kumal Community ofRamgha, Lamjung” has been conducted with a general objective to examine thepresent socio economic status of the Kumal community in the study area, find out the causes of economically and socially backwardness of Kumal community and to give relevant recommendation to the policy maker for economically andsocially upgrading of the Kumal community. In this way, we can track out thepresent situation of the Kumals of the study area, know their traditional ways ofliving and to explore the impact of modernization and urbanization on theirlivelihood. In brief the study will over view their socio-economic status in termsof demographics, education, employment, occupations wealth, and incomes.Primary and secondary data were used to collect the information and techniquesand tools like field observations, formal and non formal discussion, interviewswere held to collect other necessary information. Descriptive and analyticresearch designs have been followed to describe and examine the finding of thestudy. Out of around 120 households of Ramgha, 60 respondents of the Kumalwere taken as sample by using purposive sampling method. The study clears that the Kumals are one of the small ethnic/indigenous group ofthe study area following their own sorts of language, culture and tradition. Theyare culturally rich, simple, gentle but economically poor. They basically dependupon the wage and agriculture/labor for their livelihood. Their life cycleceremonies are very interesting and can attract national as well as foreignscholars and researchers. Based upon findings, the paper suggests that livelihood of Kumals have beenseverely affected by modernization. They are forced to leave their traditional occupations and sell their land in order to keep up with the pace of modernsociety. Kumals who once use to own the entire hills of Kumal Gaon are confinedto small areas of land. Kumals who were mostly farmers in the past are foundadopting various occupations. Still many Kumals are privileged. Due to the hustleand bustle of urban society Kumal culture, customs, traditions and language areon verge of decline. The celebration of feast and festivals, marriage, birth rituals,dancing pattern and other activities are being affected due to the entrance ofdiversified culture in this area. Hence the Kumals requires proper recognition bythe local levels and government. To preserve these indigenous ethnic minorities,they must be encouraged to keep up with their traditional culture, customs andtraditions. If not, Kumals who are less than 25,000 throughout the country will belost in globalization and their evergreen culture, customs and traditions will be ahistory.