Use of Warm -up Activities in English Classrooms

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled "Use of warm-up Activities in English classroom" has made an attempt to identify strategies used as warm-up activities and the frequency of those activities in English classrooms. Non-probability judgmental sampling design was applied to collect the data in the study. The data were taken from five government aided and five private schools in the Kathmandu valley. I used checklist and observation sheet as the tools for data collection. I found different warm-up activities jokes, pictures, drawings, question-answer, cutouts, matchstick figures, story, pair-work, rhymes, poems, realia, songs, riddles, satire, games, clues and role-play used as warm-up activities to motivate the students. I found that there was the highest frequency of question-answer i.e. 61.30% in government aided school whereas jokes occupied the highest frequency i.e. 61.76% in case of private schools. This thesis is divided into four main chapters and other sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with general background of the study, motivation and language learning, motivation and attitudes, types of motivation, techniques of motivation, strategies of motivation, an introduction to warm-up activities, literature review, objectives of the study and significance of the study. The second chapter deals with the methodology which includes sources of data, sampling procedure, tools for data collection, process of data collection and some limitations of the study. Similarly, the third chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data using simple statistical tools like percentage and frequency. Lastly, the fourth chapter presents the findings and some recommendations based on the analysis and interpretation of the available data. In the end, the references and appendices along with some sample of class observation questionnaire are presented.