Impact of Bee-Keeping on Rural Livelihood (A Case Study of Bharatpokhari VDC, Kaski)

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Central Department of Sociology
The dissertation entitled “Impact of Bee-keeping in Rural Livelihood (A case study of Bharatpokhari VDC, Kaski)” for the fulfillment of Master Degree in Anthropology. In Nepal, bee-keeping is done from the very ancient age in traditional way. With the development of various technologies, bee-keeping has developed and nowadays it has been doing in modern from. Because of the religious importance and medicinal qualities, the demand of honey is increasing day by day which shows the good future of beekeeping. To find out the impact of bee-keeping in study area, many related questions were asked and try to find out bee-keepers perception, knowledge, skill, etc. Descriptive and exploratory methods are used in this study as per the requirement. Among 276 households, 56 respondents were selected through the stratified random sampling. For that necessary primary and secondary data and related published and unpublished books, reports, booklets, bulletins, magazine, etc. has analyzed. To find out the fact, researcher has done various methods such as pilot survey, field visit, rapport building, etc. From the study, it has found that the bee-keepers of this area are satisfied with bee-keeping. Through this, social relations of the bee-keepers have upgraded. The change brought by the application of modern tools and technique and cash oriented farming on farmer’s socio-economic status is significant. In recent time beekeeping is the interested occupation by the intellectual. It is found that almost all respondents are benefited from bee-keeping and their status of living is comfortable. The positive impact of bee-keepers on livelihood could not be underestimated. The importance of bees and its products in human health is great. After the study, researcher has organized it into six chapters. The first chapter deals with the Introduction and background of the bee-keeping of study area. The second chapter is all about the Review of literature. The third chapter is Research methods, where selection of the study Area, Research Design, Nature and source of data, Questionnaire schedule, etc are included. Likewise Environmental Setting of the study Area is described in chapter four, similarly chapter five is Data analysis and presentation and final chapter i.e. chapter six is related to Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation. At the end Bibliography and Appendixes has included