The Current State of ELT Classroom Management and the Challenges for English Teachers

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Department of English Education
This research entitled "The current state of ELT Classroom Management and the Challenges for English teachers”was carried to find out the classroom management activities and problems of secondary level teachers in ELT classes.The population of my study comprised ten teachers teaching English at secondary level of different ten schools of Kathmandu district. More specifically, 4 classes of one teacher from each school were observed.The schools were selected by using judgmental sampling procedure.The observation checklist and diary were used. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted using mixed method. The overall findings of the study showed that the maximum numbers of classes were congested. Furniture was not sufficient in the class and school as well. There were not well facilitated playgrounds.There were not adequate and comfortable toilets. Every class had a blackboard but they were not in good condition.Teaching materials were not sufficientin the classroom. Apart from some schools, most of them were not found well managed library. This thesis has been divided into five different chapters. The first chapter,'Introduction' includes the background, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions, significance, and delimitations of the study. Similarly, chapter second deals with the theoretical literature, empirical literature and conceptual framework. The third chapter deals with the methodology employed to conduct the study. It gives information about the design of the study, population and sample, sampling procedure, field of the study, data collection tools, data collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation procedure. Collected data were presented, analyzed and interpreted applying language and statistical tools like frequency and percentage in the fourth chapter. Accordingly, the fifth chapter concludes the whole study and put forwards some recommendations of the study at policy level, practice level and further researches. This chapter is followed by references and appendices to make the study reliable, valid and authentic. In nutshell, this whole study is a new light in the field of teaching and learning strategies as well as in SLA.