Subversion of Utopian Optimism in Veronica Roth’s Allegiant

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Department of English
This thesis entitled “ Subversion of Utopian Optimism in Veronica Roth’s Allegiant" explores the negative influences of science and technology in human life using the concept of dystopia coceptualized by Keith Moylan. In the novel advanced science and technology are misused by totalitarian government that has resulted into sense of loss, misunderstanding, maladjustment,identity crisis, and conflict.This novel centers on the theme of propaganda. It is a story about the political mechanism of unspecified American society. The protagonist of the novel is Tris .She is captive by totalitarian government without reason.After her failed escape attempt, she has been demoted to the lowest level of human captives.She is forced to kill her relatives in the name of purification. Throughout the rest of the novel, Tris suffers from hunger, fear,paranoia, and identity crisis. She becomes almost lost in the midst of totalitarian government. She takes journey through the icy waters, dark tunnels, and strange spy chambers of the world’smost mysterious dictatorship government. Through such portrayal,the novelist warns about the possible misuse of sicne and technology in totalitarian government to control and manipulate human beings. Key Words :Utopia, Dystopia, Totalitarian,Science , Optimism, Warning