Feminist perspective in the novel Yogmaya

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Department of English Education
This is a study on Feminist Perspective in the Novel Yogmaya. The ‘Yogmaya’ is a novel written by Neelam Karki Niharika which was published in 2074 B. S. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze feminist issues in terms of gender discrimination, women’s position in society, inequality, patriarchy, gender roles, and political and social factors in the novel Yogmaya. Gender discrimination depicts how society and its people make discriminatory behavior and domination to single women. Depicting women’s position in society, when Ganga tries her husband, Agnidhar to understand equality between males and females of their own family, he furiously opposes her thoughts and ways of presentation. Similarly, showing inequality, men have the freedom to marry anyone of their interests regardless of whether they are already married or not, whereas women are even not permitted to speak with someone else except with their husbands or relatives. Likewise, in patriarchy, Yogmaya strongly presents herself to stop the tendency and freedom to marry more than one wife for men, while she also emphasizes the equal rights of women to marry anymore of their interests, when women are single, living as a widow or in critical marital relationship. Additionally, in gender roles, the women were burnt alive when their husbands die but husbands were not burnt in case of the early demise of their wives as mentioned in the fiction. Lastly, in political and social factors, females even cannot go against existing biasness due to the heavy influence of patriarchal ideologies in society. This study embodies forty-eight different extractions as samples to analyze and interpret the issues in feminism. The required data were collected using a purposive sampling strategy. As it is qualitative research, the study is completely based on secondary sources of data. The major findings of this study showed that females have been dominated and discriminated against in society due to social, cultural, traditional norms and values, religious beliefs, and ideology. Similarly, the household works that women do in the house are not valued in society. And likewise, women have to worship their husband as a God and serve him with great honor. In a patriarchal society, women are physically and emotionally abused by their husbands, his family, and by females themselves as well. The present study resides of five chapters along with a reference and appendix at the end. The first chapter deals with the background introduction of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations of the study, and operational definitions of the key terms. The second chapter includes the review of the related theoretical literature, review of related empirical literature, implications of the study, and conceptual framework. Similarly, the third chapter consists ofthe design of the study, sample and sampling strategy, sources of data, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedures, and ethical considerations. Moreover, the fourth chapter is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of the data. Finally, the fifth chapter presents the findings, conclusion, and implications of the study.  