Translation of metaphoric expressions from Nepali into English: A case of Sukaratka paila

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Department of English Education
This study ''Translation of Metaphoric Expressions from Nepali into English'' attempts to explore correspondence of metaphoric expressions while translating them into English from Nepali in the novel 'Sukaratka Paila' a novel by Govinda Raj Bhattarai. The researcher collected fifty seven metaphoric expressions and analyzed their correspondence enhancing aesthetic aspect of the source text while translating them into target text. The data were analyzed; findings were drawn on the basis of the collected data and some suggestions were also recommended. The research on translation of metaphoric expressions proved that metaphoric expressions are the most difficult language item to translate from one language to another language. The translator had translated few of them maintaining total correspondence, for example āshā rᴧ bhᴧroshā durgᴧm killāko rᴧkhbārimā was translated as Asha and Bharosha guarding towards a remote fort and most of the metaphoric expressions were translated maintaining close correspondence, for example ᴧnᴧmol sᴧpᴧnāhᴧru tāgiye as now the precious dreams were scattered to preserve the aesthetic aspect of the source text and for target readership. Literal translation and substitution of the images were followed by the translator to correspond the meaning of metaphoric expressions from Nepali language while translating them into English. This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, delimitations of the study and operational definition of the key terms. Chapter two introduces review of the related literature and conceptual framework, along with implications of the review of the study. Chapter three deals with methods and procedure of the study which includes design of the study, population, sample and sampling strategy, study area, data collection tools and techniques, data collection procedure and data analysis and interpretation procedures. Chapter four deals with analysis and interpretation of the data and summary/discussion of finding. Chapter five presents conclusion and recommendations. At last, references and appendices are the concluding parts of the study.
Metaphoric expressions, Cultural translation, English novel