Learning Opportunities in Nelta Forprofessional Development

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Department of English Education
The present study entitled "Role of Discussion Technique in the Developmentof Spoken English" aims to find out the achievement in the spoken English bythe applicationof discussion technique. The study was carried out using bothprimary and secondary sources of data. For primary data, the tenth gradestudents of a government-aided secondary school were taught speaking.Altogether 36 students were selected as sample andthey were taught speakingon the basis of the original texts of the English text book of Grade Ten. Eightlanguage functions along with some speaking exercises were chosen forteaching. The sampling procedure was purposive because of the availability ofthe students. A pre-test was given using the test items in the beginning. Then,four progressive tests were conducted in the interval of five class periods ofeach. The test items given for the post-tests were the ones given to the pre-test.They were taught twenty periods altogether. The average score of all the testitems were calculated. The results of the tests were compared to find out theeffectiveness of discussion techniques on their achievement of speaking. It wasfound that discussion technique was more effective than usual classroomteaching in practice at secondary level. The first chapter consists of background, definition of language, differencebetween spoken and written texts. Components of speaking skill, problemswith speaking, some solutions to the problems, classroom speaking activitiesare also introduced in the first chapter. The first chapter also includesdiscussion, types of discussion, discussion items based on the Grade Tentextbook. The origin of action research, its definition andprocess have been put in this chapter. The final parts of this chapter are reviews of the relatedliterature, objectives and significance of the study. The second chapter dealswith the methodology applied in the study, the sources of data, samplepopulation, sampling procedure, tools and procedures for data collection. Thechapter also states the limitations of the study. The third chapter presentsanalysis and interpretations. The fourth chapter consists of the findings andrecommendations based on the analysis and interpretation of data. Referencesand appendices are attached at the end.