Role of Radio Programme in Teaching English

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Department of Education English
This research work entitled Role of Radio Programme in Teaching English aimed at exploring the role of radio programme in teaching English. The study was carried out considering the significance of the role of radio in teaching English. The present study was a survey research. The study was conducted in Syangja and Palpa districts, where the learners listened to the radio. Forty students from 5 schools were taken as sample of the study. The samples of the students were taken by using simple random sampling. The main finding of the study is that students are much benefited by this Hamro Pathasala program. It has been much fruitful to develop English of the students. This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one deals with general background, review of the related literature, objectives and significance of the study. Chapter two deals with the procedure adopted to carry out the research. It contains sources of data, population of the study, sampling procedure, tools and process of the data collection and limitations of the study. Chapter three consists of the analysis and interpretations of the data. Chapter four deals with the major findings derived on the basis of analysis and interpretations. It also forwards recommendations made on the basis of the major findings of the study. Final section deals with references and appendices