Teaching Vocabulary Through Sense Relations

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Department of English Education
This present thesis entitledTeaching VocabularyThroughSense Relationsaims to assess the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary throughsense relation.The main focus of the study was directed on how effectively vocabularies canbe taught by using sense relations. The study was carried out using bothprimary and secondary sources of data.Teaching vocabulary is taken asastressful liability on the part of teachers and students.However,the study bearsthe facts of better results of use of sense relations for teaching them in thesense that all the students passedthetests and more importantly, only a fewstudents showed problems inthecorrect use of vocabulary. The study was divided into four main chapters and sub-chapters. The firstchapter contains general background, aspect of language, importanceofteaching /learning vocabulary, types of vocabulary,wordclass, techniques ofteaching vocabulary,sense relation and action research. This chapter alsoincludes the review oftherelated literature, objectives and significance of thestudy. The second chapter deals with the methodology applied in the study assource of data and data collection procedure. This chapter also states thelimitationsof the study. The third chapter presents analysis and interpretationof the data. The fourth chapter consists of the findings and recommendationsbased on the analysis and interpretation ofthedata. Reference and appendicesare attached attheend.