Cultural Trauma as a Resistance for Identity in Naipaul’s Guerrillas

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Faculty of English
Naipaul’s novel Guerrillas is a novel of traumatic experience experienced by black people. Naipaul has tactfully presented the traumatic feeling of the blacks’ experience. Trauma is the main source to the blacks through which they resist against the whites. The domination and deprivation from natural rights and racial discrimination are the traumatic events for blacks. This unfairness and authority over them is really painful. Not only blacks, everyone who is deprived from their rights and discriminated in the name of caste and colour wants to establish their own identity and culture. Blacks’ rights are seized and identity was thrown into danger by whites. Blacks are worried about their rights and identity. The reach of whites everywhere is not acceptable for them. They want to chase whites by means of resistance. Resistance is one of the means of recovery of lost things. They have lost their culture and identity and these black people are struggling against whites by announcing revolution because revolution is one of the ways to gain their target. At the end, cultural trauma is a source to resistance for identity. Because of cultural trauma, these blacks revolt against whites and want to recover their identity. Identity is the main target of these people and this revolution of black people helps to form it.