Attitude of Students towards present Optional Mathematics Course

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Department of Mathematics Education
The study entitled “Attitude of Students towards Present Optional Mathematics Course” aims to find out the attitude of students towards present optional mathematics course and to differentiate boys and girls students towards present optional mathematics with way improving positive attitude of students,in order to fulfill the objective of study.The researcher selected all secondary level students of academic year 2076 ofKailalidistrict as a population. Among them, 80 secondary schools, 30 schools were selected for sample using random sampling method. The data were collect from 237 students and interview were taken from five optional mathematics teachersto find way of making positive attitude. Survey is the research design of this study. The researcher used the data, questionnaire and interview as a tools to collect data. After thecollection data, the searcher analyzed and interpreted the data in the weighted mean, t- test and percentage form and presented them in table. The finding of the study show that there is positive attitude of students towards present optional mathematics course. There were significant differences between attitude of boys student and girls students towards present optional mathematics course at secondary level. The way of making positive attitude of students towards present optional mathematics course areteaching use daily life activities, give job opportunity, future opportunity, teaching learning connecting with historicalevidence, problem based teaching, teaching using discussion method, teaching multi- method and play method. So optional mathematics teachers are teaching to students using daily life activates, using students centered method, discussion method, inductive to deduction method learning connecting historical evidence, play method and future opportunity.