Prospects and Problems of Tourism in Ramaroshan

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Central Department of Rural Development Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu
Nepal is the country of structural diversity from the rugged mountains to the plain and hills. Having the Dissimilar feature and attributes, the country has been shaped with a distinctive identity. Nepal a compelling destination for many visitors with tourist attractions in the form of snowcapped mountain peaks, excellent trekking and rafting opportunities, interesting wildlife, significant religious sites, and unsurpassed historic and cultural places, is well placed for tourism development. Nepal being one of the poorest contrasts of the world is facing various problems such as political instability, earthquake 2072, rapidly rising population, fewer possibilities for developing industries, limited scope for increasing agricultural production, growing unemployment, social discrimination, poverty and so on. In this context, tourism has been regarded as a means of achieving social, economic and political development. The present research Prospects and Problems of Tourism in Ramaroshan has been carried out in Ramaroshan mainly situated Achham district of Ramaroshan VDC and touched by adjoining boundary districts; Kalikot and Bajura of Far-Western region of Nepal. The research is primarily focused on to discuss and analyze the present situation of tourism at Ramaroshan which is a tourist paradise with infinite variety of interesting to see and do and to provide some curing measures of the problems that are existing and likely to be in the near future. The main objectives of the study are to discuss the present situation, possible challenges, to suggest corrective measures to promote tourism in Ramaroshan. In view of promotion of tourism, this study examines the potentiality o tourism in Ramaroshan. A case study of prospects and problems of tourism in Ramaroshan conducted to determine the problems and prospect of tourism there. Ramaroshan has many unique tourism destinations like BARHA BANDA and ATHARA KHAND and natural beauties and vision-full exploitation of these destinations offer a wide range of comparative for which suitable and effective and visionful plan is needed. With the major attractive area for tourists like BARHA BANDA and ATHARA KHAND, historical place Tadigaira Kotwhere many flatlands like Rame, Roshan, Kinimini, and as a lack Gagre, Lamodayo, and Jigale are proper caring potential for the tourist.