Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary to Hearing Impaired Children

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Department of English Education
The main purpose ofthis thesis entitled, ‘Techniques to Teach Vocabulary toHearing Impaired Children’ is to find out the techniques used by the Englishteacher to teach vocabulary tohearing impaired learners and to findout the mostfrequently used techniquesby the teacher.To complete this task, the researcherprepared pre-structured questionnaire, observation form and a daily diary.Theprimary source of this research was the students of grade six and the Englishteacher of Kavre Deaf School, Banepa. The researcher selected the school and thestudents purposively.The observation of the activities of boththe teacher and thestudents weredonefor 20 days to list and find out the frequently used techniquesadopted by the teacher to teach vocabulary for hearing impaired learners of gradesix.Besides this, the researcher also had conversation with the concerned teacherto find out other related facts about teaching such children.Thisresearch foundthat the teacher centered techniques like-explanation; translation; mime, actionand gesture; the use of realia, pictures, blackboard drawings etc. and the studentcentered techniques like-individual work, pair work, group work, role play,etc.were used by the teacher in her classroom activities. Among these techniques, theteacher centered techniques like-explanation; translation; and mime, action andgesture were used every day i.e. most frequently in the classroom which wasobserved bythe researcher for 20 days. This research comprises of four chapters. The first chapter consists of generalbackground of the study, review of the related literature, objectives of the studyand significance of the study.The second chapterdeals with themethodologyapplied to conduct the study. It consists of source of data , sampling procedure ,tools of data collection , process of data collection and limitations of the study.The third chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of data which havebeendone on the basis of daily observation of both the activities of the students as wellas the teacher.The fourth chapter includes the findings and recommendationsdrawn on the basis of analysis and interpretation of datawhereas the last part ofthe thesis contains references and appendices.